The Frederick M. Supper Honors Program

About the Program

The Frederick M. 晚餐荣誉计划的存在是为了热情地培养信仰, Character, 和智慧是过上美好生活所必需的. What do we mean by a life well lived? 而现代世界表明,美好的生活是奢侈的生活, power, convenience, 基督教文科传统长期以来一直认为它是更伟大的东西. It is a life that reveres faith, character, 和智力,并认识到它们是追求幸福的首要因素.

Traditional education is designed to fill you with the knowledge to help you succeed in your endeavors; The Honors Program, however, 旨在帮助你问和回答“为什么”你追求这些努力. 正是对“为什么”的渴望激发了荣誉课程的独特学生. 这种教育将使你的思想和灵魂井然有序,点燃你的雄心壮志,引导你走向公正和正确的目标.

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Our program has been included in The James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal in their report called Great Books Programs at America’s Colleges and Universities. We were also named by the American Council of Trustees and Alumni as one of their Hidden Gems. Finally, the Classical Learning Test, 一直大力提倡在各级教育中学习古典文学的学校在PBA的校园里举办了一次会议, where our Program Director Dr. 汤姆·圣安东尼(Tom St Antoine)是会议的主持人,并在CLT播客上做了专题报道, Anchored.


One Program, Two Tracks

The Frederick M. 晚餐荣誉计划通过建立一个追求智慧的推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您社区而取得成功. This community, consisting of faculty and students, encourages challenges, 并在寻求智慧和美好生活的努力中相互支持. 荣誉学生由教师精心挑选,并分享对智力思考和讨论的真正热情, 这个社团的成员领导着整个学生团体.

荣誉课程的重点是持久对话的主要来源-书籍, the speeches, the works of music, art, and architecture, and the films, that record the history of ideas. 这段对话讨论了一些永恒的问题和问题,这些问题和问题继续影响着我们的世界观. 荣誉课程将学生带入持久的对话,以便他们能够发现其中的智慧, equipping them to become better scholars, better leaders, better participants in the marketplace, better citizens, and, most important, better Christians.

所有荣誉课程的成员都有机会通过特殊课程获得学分, travel/study, and research. Frederick M. 晚餐荣誉推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您满足通识教育或核心要求. 另外,荣誉课程也可以作为荣誉课程的辅修课程.

Frederick M. 晚餐推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您体验荣誉课程的各个方面,并获得学术奖学金.  对他们来说,荣誉课程代替了他们的通识教育要求.  世界观序列中的六门课程概述了伟大的思想和产生这些思想的思想家. Here, 学生们会接触到第一手资料(而不是教科书),这些资料探讨了塑造人类状况的思想. Instead of reading about Plato, Dante, Luther, Shakespeare, Shelley, Lewis, and others, 他们阅读这些作者自己的作品,让他们为自己说话.  除了解决基本的世界观问题, 这些课程为其他学科提供了背景,并为学生的专业提供了补充.

六门世界观课程按顺序进行(每学期一门,一直到大三). 这些课程辅以其他荣誉课程,这些课程以文学写作的主要来源为特色, Rhetorical eloquence, Roots of American order, 教育、职业及专题课程*

对于荣誉研究员,该项目提供了代替辅修课程的经验, 但这次机会可不只是普通的辅修课程. They pursue a course of study on the history of ideas by completing 18 hours of their choosing from the following options: (1) honors special topics classes that examine the history of a singular idea like “justice,” “the good life,” or “suffering;” (2) honors coursework in the student’s major; (3) writing a thesis; or (4) travel study. 这个选项增加了对任何专业的深度和理解,并将打开你的眼睛,看到你专业之外的世界.


A life well lived
is a life of…



A life of conviction, 区分第一原则,比如善, the just, the beautiful and the honorable.



A life of creativity, 理解人类状况的本质,制定解决困扰我们这个时代的问题的方案.



荣誉课程的生活类似于英国的住宿学院和早期的美国大学. Classes are small. 学生阅读和讨论第一手资料,而不是教科书. 他们对自己的教育负责,互相激励,也激励自己. 我们的学生毕业时为读研和就业做好了充分的准备.

Dr. Tom St. Antoine Director, Frederick M. Supper Honors Program

Travel Study Opportunities


Honors Faculty


Honors Alumni


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